Programme’s Scope & Mission
The Master’s Programme in Business Law (the “Master’s Program”) aims to the development of postgraduate research. The programme’s mission is the advancement of research and knowledge, deepening and high-level specialization of the graduates in theoretical and practical areas of Business Law, in particular Corporate Law, Insolvency Law, Competition Law and Employment Law. This mission is pursued through a contemporary, well designed syllabus which utilizes modern research and interdisciplinary approaches, as well as innovative training methods.
The Master’s Programme is addressed to lawyers, judges, public prosecutors, , judicial officers, as well as to law graduates (including those who have completed additional studies in different subjects: indicatively Economics, Business Administration, Accounting, Science, International/European Studies, etc.), who wish to expand their knowledge and engage themselves in the research of more specific aspects of the Business Law.
The Master’s aims to the selection of specialized candidate researchers with an emphasis on the above four (4) research directions, their support and in-depth training, in order to strengthen their academic, scientific research and their professional careers at the national and international level. Therefore, priority is given to the theoretical, dogmatic approach and not to the mechanical solution of certain problems, as well as the understanding of international trends and influences on the contemporary scientific issues of the above specializations. The postgraduate student will practice legal research, legal analysis and synthesis of special topics in the field of each course, with critical thinking and comparative references.
Admission criteria, evaluation and acceptance of applicants
Admission requirements:
- Bachelor’s Degree in Law or Master of Laws by the Law Schools of the Greek Universities or recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information,
- Knowledge of at least one foreign language (English, French, German or Italian),
- Successfully examination in two of the below courses:
- Corporate Law
- Insolvency Law
- Competition Law
- Labor Law
The evaluation and acceptance of applicants is based on the following criteria:
Criterion | Rate |
The successful examination in two of the above courses | 50% |
Bachelor’s degree grade | 20% |
The candidate’s average grade in the courses relevant to the subject of the programme | 30% |
The Master’s Program lasts for three (3) academic semesters which include:
- a cycle of compulsory study lasting two (2) semesters and
- the writing and presentation of the Master’s Dissertation in the third semester.
Attendance is mandatory during above two semesters of studies. They are conducted live and exceptionally online, depending on the prevailing health conditions and the relevant decisions of the Faculty of Law School.
The Master’s Programme is equal to 90 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). Successful completion of all the courses offered, in the first two semesters, as well as the successful evaluation of the Master’s Dissertion in the third semester, are required.
The lectures are conducted in Greek. The Master’s Dissertation should be written in Greek.
During the program, teaching of the following courses focuses on the in-depth analysis of special topics of the respective fields, emphasizing on those of the greatest research interest that are suitable for in-depth study:
- Corporate Law Ι
- Insolvency Law Ι
- Corporate Law ΙΙ
- Competition Law – Intellectual Property Rights Law
- Commercial Agreements
- Consumer Protection Law
- Capital Markets and Regulatory Law of Businesses
- Labor Law Ι
- Labor Law ΙΙ
Students must prepare and write:
- Written assignment in the 2nd semester, on a topic related to the subjects analyzed during the courses of the 1st and 2nd semesters, with the possibility to choose from a list of proposed topics drawn up by the faculty members for current year, and
- Master Dissertation, on a topic that has been included in current year academic subjects of the Master’s Programme, with the possibility to choose from relevant list. Public presentation of the Dissertation is also mandatory.
Courses are conducted with:
- presentations and lectures by faculty members and external lecturers, academics and prominent professionals,
- Commentaries on court decisions by students under the guidance of faculty members participating in the postgraduate programme,
- Master’s Dissertations’ presentations.
As reference point, lectures of the Programme in the academic year 2021-2022 have included (indicatively)
Subject |
The exclusion and exit of a partner from the partnerships |
Private law remedies for infringements of competition law |
The new Law 4808/2021 “on labor protection” |
The new insolvency law (L. 4738/2020): Priorities and objectives |
The Directive (EC) 2019/770 (on the supply of digital content and digital services) from tort law, intellectual property law and personal data protection law perspectives |
The regulatory intervention of the Hellenic Competition Commission, as a legislated mechanism to regulate unregulated issues in the competition law |
The Private Limited Company (IKE): Basic legal aspects |
Modern forms of employment contracts |
Versions of Bankruptcy |
Selected Société Anonyme legal issues: How to read their financial statements / Board members’
remuneration / Accounting of company trasformations |
Assessment of concentrations in competition law |
Presentation of the new Greek Insolvency Law |
Remote working: An “introduction” to the future of work |
The new law on Corporate Governance (L. 4706/2020) |
The new legislative framework for competition law |
Transfer of Business – outsourcing and contracting |
The position of secured creditors in the bankruptcy process |
Intellectual property law in the single digital market – Directive 2019/790 (“DSM” Directive): Integration into the legal system and cutting-edge concerns |
Issues from the responsibility of the members of the Board of Directors of a Societe Anonyme according to Law 4548/2018 |
The prohibition of discrimination in labor law |
The bankruptcy of a natural person (non-trader): from Law 3869/2010 to the new Insolvency Code (Law 4738/2020) |
The law of corporate transformations (L. 4601/2019) in practice |
The competitive legitimacy of (non-controlling) holdings in competing companies |
The non-consensual change of creditors’ rights (cram-down) in the restructuring process under the regime of Law 4738/2020 |
The law of collective bargaining and collective labor agreements |
Personal data as currency on the internet with emphasis on social media and search engines – Legal issues under the Directive 2019/770 and the General Data Protection Regulation |
Related Party Transactions in the Société Anonyme under the article 99 Law 4548/2018 |
Capital Markets Union and Insolvency Law |
Faculty members
Μ.-Th. Marinos (Emeritus Professor)
- Triantafyllakis (Professor)
- Mastrokostas (Professor)
- Avgitidis (Professor)
- Karagkounidis (Professor)
- Kiosse – Pavlidou (Assistant Professor)
- Selekos (Assistant Professor)
- Katsas (Assistant Professor)
- Theodosis (Assistant Professor)
- Babetas, (Assistant Professor)
- Manteniotou-Liratzopoulou (Assistant Professor)
- Linaritis (Assistant Professor)
Requirements for granting the Master’s title
Prerequisites for granting the Master’s Degree are (cumulatively): the successful examination/accomplishment of (i) the courses, (ii) the written assignment of the second semester and the successful presentation of the Master’s Dissertation.
Students who have accomplished successfully the examination and the final evaluation of the Master’s Dissertation will be granted the Master’s Degree of Business Law with specialization in: (a) Corporate Law, (b) Insolvency Law, (c) Competition Law, or (d) Labor Law
Career opportunities
Subject to the excellent performance of postgraduate students, those may continue their studies at the doctoral research (Ph.d) level.
Upon the successful completion of the Programme, postgraduate students will be able to combine in the most optimal way their knowledge in the entire spectrum of the Business Law, aiming to provide effective legal advice and efficient legal support to organizations and businesses in an internationalized and highly competitive environment.